Saturday, April 23, 2005

The Problem of Easy Believism

Read below to see the beginning of these thoughts on obstacles to discipleship in Latin America.

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The problem of creísmo fácil was first discussed in an article written by Lic. Carlos Vargas (La Paz, Bolivia) 18 years ago. In that article, Lic. Vargas identified the danger of easy Christian decisions, with little thought of biblical discipleship, as one of the greatest potential problems in Latin America. It would seem that Lic. Vargas spoke with an intelligent, if not prophetic, voice.

There is no doubt that we have seen a growth in total numbers in Latin America of individuals making decisions for Jesus Christ in the past thirty years. However, the fact that most individuals are presented with a salvation decision and not a call to discipleship has resulted in a generation of followers in Latin America.

The high percentage of followers partially explains why the strongman mentioned in the previous section is so seductive to so many Latin Christians.

Today, there is little statistical difference in Latin America between the lifestyles of Christian followers and non-Christians in regards to divorce, sexual immorality and family violence. Anecdotal evidence would indicate that Latin non-Christians seem as willing to give to charitable causes as Christians.

Until individuals are presented with a call to biblical discipleship and respond with radical changes in lifestyle, we have little hope of significantly impacting culture in Latin America. While we never want to stray from a message of grace, it is important for us to maintain authenticity by also sharing the price of following after Christ.

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