Sunday, November 04, 2007

A Million Miles!

This past week, while traveling from Chicago to Costa Rica with Kari, I reached the one million mile mark with American Airlines. This was noted by my wife when she received an email from the airline congratulating me on the milestone. For some reason, Susan was not as excited or encouraged by this announcement as the airline might have hoped. In fact she seemed to be somewhat confused as to whether I should be congratulated or she should be consoled.

When I think about one million miles (and I have flown more with other airlines) I am actually surprised by how little has occurred during those hours of sitting with my knees supporting the passenger seat in front of me. Commercial aviation is incredibly safe and I cannot truthfully remember an “incident” with American in all those miles.

On the other hand, I have had several adventures with two infamous South American airlines. However, both of them are now bankrupt and I would hate to rub salt in the wound.

I have lost my baggage on three occasions. Each time it has been while traveling through the Miami airport. My guess is this has more to do with problems in that particular facility than with American Airlines. All of my bags have eventually been found and other than having to use the same clothes for a few days, I am no worse the wear or the wearing.

I have been with some interesting people in this million mile march.

I once traveled with an infamous baseball pitcher. He was known for his rather crude comments about some of the cities in which he was “forced” to play. In real life he did not disappoint. At the very least you could say he was authentic. His private personality was no different than his public persona.

I sat next to a medium-level television star on one trip. Unfortunately, because we have spent so many years in Latin America, I am not always “current” on the latest entertainment personalities. When I did vaguely remember the program on which she had a reoccurring role, the only star on the show I could bring to mind was a dog. I seem to remember her alcohol consumption increased when I began to ask about working with such an interesting canine.

I have met a few famous Christian leaders, authors and personalities on my trips. Apparently their ministries require them to travel a great deal, as well. I have helped a well-known preacher through O’Hare airport where his exegetical skills did not seem to be too useful. I have sat next to presidents and directors of ministries. Most of them looked as tired as I felt.

I once chatted for a long time with Joni Erickson Tada while we waited to board a plane in Los Angeles. For some reason, I did not identify myself as a Christian or as having read any of her books. I was interested in how she would converse with me as a fellow traveler. I must say she did very well… conversation filled with grace. Later, when I identified myself as a missionary, she said, “I knew there was something different about you!”

Many of you would agree with the statement if not her exact meaning.

I always pray for the passenger who will be seated next to me on the flight. I ask God to permit me to have the right conversation at the right time. It is my intention to be salt even if no meals are being served on that segment.

Once, while returning from a rather long and difficult trip in Latin America, I was upgraded to Business Class. I was looking forward to having food that did not come out of a foil packet. Unfortunately, there are certain predictable effects travel in some South American countries have on the human digestive system. While still waiting for the plane to begin taxiing to the runway, I began to feel some of those familiar pains in my nether regions.

It was at this moment the affluent business man seated next to me asked me what I do for a living. Through gritted teeth I said, “I am a missionary.” He opened his eyes wide and presented an incredible opening. “I am successful in business and miserable in life. Can you tell me how to find peace with God?”

I had just finished the part of God loving us and having real interest in having fellowship with each one of us when we reached straight and level and the seat belt sign went off. My traveling companion asked me, “Woody, if this is true why don’t I have this kind of meaningful relationship with God?” I am afraid I had to encourage him to hold that question while I leapt towards the bathroom.

For the rest of the flight we altered between questions, answers and explosive trips to the bathroom. I couldn’t eat any of the food that was served. The other passengers in business class expressed their disgust at my monopoly of the bathroom with their pointed looks each time I returned to my seat. My new friend only seemed interested in understanding the Gospel.

I sometimes wonder what became of him and if he ever shares his testimony of the leaping missionary. I hope so. If I were him I certainly would.

Robert Frost wrote:

“The woods are lovely, dark, and deep,
But I have promises to keep,
And miles to go before I sleep,
And miles to go before I sleep.”

I understand those words. God has given me the privilege of traveling many miles. There are many more ahead. I only pray that He permits me to arrive home before it gets dark.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Is it just me or does your finger in your profile picture look abnormally long? Is that your finger? Do you have weird hands? Just curious...

It was great having you here last week Woody! Thanks for visiting. You're more than welcome to come any time to take me out for good food in nice restaurants. I'm easily bought...

Hope you got home safe.