Because of Su having some unexpected surgery in Texas, we have been separated for about two weeks. Although some of my time has been taken up with a team visit, I have been at the house without her for several days. At this point I am prepared to say with certainty: Life goes better with Su!
A very short list providing empirical proof of my thesis:
Getting up in the morning is better when Su is around. I usually start my day at about 5:45 with a cup of coffee and my Bible reading. Su makes that coffee as an act of love... she hasn't been able to drink it for about twenty years. The coffee serves to open my eyes, fire the few neurons I still have, and remind me of my wife's interest in me.
I can and do make coffee. It just tastes better when Su does it.
Breakfast is better when Su is here. Now, to be honest, although I suffer from a severe case of JODD (Juvenile Onset Domesticity Disorder), I can manage to fry an egg, toast bread and pour milk on my cereal... without other adult supervision! However, what I miss when Su is not here is the conversation. Over breakfast we usually talk about what we have read in Scriptures and what we are learning. It is often one of the best conversations I have during the entire day.
I have tried to do this with our dog, but my attempts have only proven that she has not learned anything! Zippo. Nada.
Ministry is more enjoyable when Su does it with me. I realize that some of you think that we constantly suffer in our role in missions. So, I want to break this to you easily: Truth be told, it is a privilege to be involved in forming disciples in Latin America. In fact, most days (but not all) I enjoy it very much. It is simply a greater privilege and more enjoyable when I get to do it with Susan.
Watching television is better with Su. Yes, we are missionaries and we do watch television. I, in particular, have a "news jones" that will not quit. I still watch news programs when Su is not here. However, when I provide my unusually insightful (and pretty sarcastic) commentary regarding that same news, Su is not here to provide a "fair and balanced" corrective. I also miss her comments on the newscasters outfits or make-up.
Doing household chores with Su is much, much more enjoyable. Almost every evening Su and I wash dishes together. While one of us washes and dries, the other reads aloud from our current book. The best part about it is that we usually talk about what we are reading. I have tried to listen to podcasts and the radio and have even sung out loud while washing, but none of that activity fills the void that Su being gone has produced.
So, there you have it! The simple fact is that life goes better with Su. I would be willing to allow you to verify it by having her come for a visit. However, not now. And, perhaps, not for a very long time to come in the future.
* The 1982 slogan for Coke in Poland was: "Coca-Cola. To jest to!" I have no idea what this means, but any modern slogan using the word "jest" is worth repeating.
1 comment:
I so much enjoyed your post. My sentiments mirror yours only I would say "Everything goes better with Randy." You said it so beautifully. Thanks!
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