Saturday, June 05, 2010

With Friends Like These...

I can't remember when I met some of my friends. Some people seem to have drifted into my life and stayed around to see how it was going to turn out. I can't remember meeting Joe. He was always part of my story. Gary claims to remember meeting me. However, since he also says I was involved in some rather dubious activity at the time we met, I choose to question his recollection of the events.

Of course, choosing to differ in my memories is not unheard of. Su and I have completely different stories of when and how we met. As usual, I prefer my own special reality!

During our recent trip to California and Nevada to perform the wedding of Juan Inglis and Suzanne (I called her Susan once during the ceremony!) Duncan, we had the privilege of catching up with several friends that we have met and treasured over the years.

I first met Jeff Woods in kindergarten. I remember this because he was the new kid in class and we walked home together. This was back when Eisenhower was president and you could actually walk home from kindergarten by yourself! In retrospect, it seems like a strangely innocent time.

Jeff says we became "frenemies" or "best enemies." I don't remember it that way. However, I do have memories of us doing almost everything little boys were supposed to do. We learned how to wrestle together with his brother Mark serving as the referee. I seem to remember that we had a "you can't bend the ear rule" which served us well. We also gave each other bloody noses boxing together. Apparently we were better at hitting each other than we were at protecting ourselves.

Jeff and Diane Woods now lead the Gospel Mission in Turlock, California. I had the privilege of going with Jeff last Sunday night as he directed the volunteers who served 43 guests at the homeless ministry. I sat at a table with John and Jennifer. John lost his oilfield job last year and, later, lost their house. Now, this couple with their three kids live in their truck. It was a privilege to see Jeff ministering to people like them.

I believe I met Nancy Mendez (then, Nancy Longenecker) my first day of college in Texas in 1973. It must have been the first day because a group of us still had time to play frisbee. She reminded me of the young lady I had left in Minnesota. When Su eventually came to visit me in Texas everyone mistook her for Nancy. They were incredibly similar. When we visited with Nancy and Al and their boys I couldn't help but notice that they still had a lot in common... in fact Nancy referred to Su as her doppelgänger. I felt like a passive observer in their conversations together.

Nancy and Al have been faithful in their walk and personal ministry. They are reaching out in their community in innovative ways - especially with their sons' friends. Nancy serves as the Assistant City Manager of one of those southern California cities where everyone used to dream of living before the state went belly-up. It is encouraging to see Christians involved at this level of public service.

Su and I first met David and Sarah Baird when they volunteered to come to Costa Rica and help us develop a master plan for the Multiplication Center. It is always a privilege for us to have friends get to know us in the context of our normal lives - well, maybe it would be better stated our "normal abnormal lives." As far as we know, David drew the only existent map of the village of San Isidro. He also helped us think through some key issues in the development of the property. That process continues to serve us today.

David accepted the position of director of UNLV School of Architecture last year. In a day and age when most public institutions are cutting their budgets as fast as they can, David has the "privilege" of leading in very troubled times - something that he is trying to do as a faithful disciple of Jesus.

Sometimes I must admit to getting discouraged with how Christians are impacting, or, seemingly, not impacting their communities. However, visiting with friends like Jeff and Diane, Al and Nancy, and David and Sarah encouraged me. Real Christians are still making a real difference. I am proud to have friends like them.

1 comment:

Bill Muehlenberg said...


i am an old friend of Jeff and Di from 25 years ago in YWAM in Holland and very keen to get in touch with them. Do you have an email address for them? many thanks and blessings
Bill and Averil Muehlenberg, Melbourne Australia