Saturday, January 15, 2011


Life is full of explosions... and some blasts are bigger than others.

This week we received the news that the grandson of Su's brother had been murdered in Orlando. Certainly this is the type of "life-blast" that any person hopes to avoid. There are no words that can console the heart of someone who has lost a loved one to senseless violence. Sometimes we can only "weep with those who weep"(Rom. 12:15).

An "explosion" of a different kind came with the news that Julie Swenson, wife of Kyle Swenson and IT alumnus, gave birth to twins about six weeks earlier than she had planned or hoped. Though tiny, Benjamin Dale and Kelsey Jo are both doing well. We will have to see how the parents adjust to this life-changing experience!

A far less important explosion occurred when the radiator on our Suzuki Vitara literally blew up on Friday. Su and I were on the way to have lunch in San Pedro with different individuals we are mentoring. About half way there we heard a loud thump and steam and coolant began to pour out from - well, everywhere we could see! We coasted to a stop within 50 meters in heavy traffic. When the steam cleared, we could see where the top of the radiator had blown open.

The unexpected has a way of breaking into our lives. We make our plans. We prepare for the anticipated. Then, life with all its sadness, joy and surprises breaks in on our "normal."

The ultimate example of this phenomenon is found in 2 Peter 3:2 where we read, "The day of the Lord's return will surprise us like a thief. The heavens will disappear with a loud noise, and the heat will melt the whole universe. Then the earth and everything on it will be seen for what they are." (CEV)

That kind of sounds like the explosions I have already mentioned. One minute everything is normal and the next everything has changed.

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