Monday, February 14, 2011

Thoughts from a Sick Bed

I am sick. By that I mean I have one of those coughs that make people look at you in the airport and, then, reach for their anti-bacterial ooze bottle. Yesterday was not an easy flight.

I believe that I may be the recipient of a parting gift from Sandi Miller, our host in Ecuador. I knew that Sandi deserved some kind of medal for all she did for us while feeling ill during our recent visit. Now, I understand that if she felt half as bad as I feel today, she deserves the medal of honor for "hospitality above and beyond the call of duty."

It is much harder for a man to admit that he is ill than it is for a woman. Women seem to have better understanding of their bodies - I believe this is currently referred to as "self-literacy." Men do not know they are really sick until their wife tells them. This is the reason that single men never get ill.

Truth be told, most men feel they are indestructible. This leads them (but never me) to do things out of the ordinary. It also leads them into making some terrible mistakes in life. Many men really do think they will get away with it - whatever "it" is.

Getting sick is one way God has of informing us that we are not eternal. It should also lead us to wonder if "all this" is really all that. I believe it was John Donne who wrote, "God employs several translators; some pieces are translated by age, some by sickness."

This week one of our friends from "Principe de Paz" passed away after a four-week illness. At 82 years of age, I do not think that Dona Lili was taken by surprise. She used to say, "I have a beautiful home - a very beautiful home. However, it is not in this world. It is waiting for me in the next one."

Hey... this is Susan taking over. Woody ran out of steam, and asked me to write the conclusion to this note. Woody will be fine, though he's feeling pretty tough right now. I'm giving him plenty of TLC and trust he'll do the same if this nasty bug catches me next!

With the the death of two friends in the course of a week, it brings to mind the words of one of my favorite missionary poets, Amy Carmichael, based on Psalm 17:15, "As for me, I will be vindicated and will see your face; when I awake, I will be satisfied with seeing your likeness."

Oh think! To step ashore and that shore Heaven;
To breathe new air, and that celestial air;
To feel refreshed and know 'tis immortality.
Oh think! To pass from storm and stress to one unbroken calm;
To wake and find it Glory.

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