I probably heard Bob Dylan's third album The Times They Are a-Changin'
soon after it came out in 1964. I know that people who liked his
earlier stuff were a bit put off by it. However, for a kid my age, just
beginning to wrap my head around some of the craziness that became the
sixties, for better or worse, it definitely changed some of my mind!
Besides, my parents had a new LP stereo and you had to play something on
it, right?
The title song is often
viewed as a reflection of the generation gap and the political divide
that marked U.S. culture during those years. Dylan, himself said, "Those
were the only words I could find to separate aliveness from deadness.
It had nothing to do with age." Still,the lines from the final verse
actually sound, well, apocalyptic and biblical: "The order is rapidly
fadin' / And the first one now / Will later be last / For the times they
are a-changin'"I wouldn't want to make it too easy, would I?
Today, Lisandro is married to Michelle and the father of two. He has great ministry experience and is a real example of what it means for a leader to be a disciple of Jesus. Lisandro is taking over leadership for five of our teams in different parts of Latin America. It is an encouragement to still be part of his journey with him as we continue to live and serve closely together and as I mentor Lisandro.
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